“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”
–Cesar Chavez
Many individuals already exude the spirit of The Inclusive Cultural University. We don’t have to walk by them unknowingly anymore. Some of these individuals have boldly made the decision to join ICU – they filled in the blank on their Agent Badge, and have accepted the mission of I.nvite, C.ommunicate, U.nite; thus, becoming ICU “Change” Agents. See the viewpoints some agents shared about The University below.

- As you can see, ICU Agents come in different shapes, sizes, and colors…just like our race. The Human Race. As human beings, we are imperfect. It’s not about having an unblemished history or not making a mistake. Being an agent means challenging your character to be better. And if you make a mistake, be open to being corrected and reminded of what your actions should be. Own up to what you did, and fix it ASAP!
- No matter your ethnicity, nationality, religious faith, sexual orientation, political view, or socio-economic class…if you take a position of giving honest respect, then you can expect respect.

- Many agents are active in the community, whether they have a hobby and interest, coach, mentor, volunteer, or support a cause. If time allows, ask them what their story is. Maybe there is an unknown similar interest. Ask them how long they’ve been a part of The University. Give them a compliment. Or say “ICU” and keep making moves. It’s just about being cordial.
- These ICU Agent encounters can occur as often as people are in contact with each other, which takes place Billions of times a day. And they already are happening – they are called “ICU sitings”! Depending on the circumstances, there might even be time for an ICU selfie.
Go to the ICU Sitings tab for tips on when you see another agent. If you think you have an organization with the desire to join
THE University, you can establish an ICU Campus!
Exclusive to those that are Inclusive – ICU