No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.–Nelson Mandela
Definition: When an ICU Agent sees another ICU Agent, The Inclusive Cultural University has been build at that very location… an #ICUSiting
Tips for ICU Sitings
- Make “eye” contact and acknowledge them with an “ICU” and/or nod/smile/wave
- Given the situation, there might be time to ask them, “What’s your story?”
-Be ready to share yours - Always ask if it’s OK to take an ICU selfie with a fellow Agent…then Rep the band!
-Post it on your social media with “#ICUsiting #ICUworldwide” - Tag @icuworldwide for the ICU page to start following you -The University cannot support inappropriate posts and will unfollow if seen
- Even though they have on the ICU Lifestyle gear, doesn’t mean that they own it. Or maybe it’s been a while since seeing another agent — Kindly and respectfully remind them of what to do when they see another agent if they appear confused with the ICU siting
- If you see hate activity occurring to another ICU agent or individual…vocally Communicate the inappropriateness (with respect) and try to get the victim to a “safe” area – Report
- If you see a hate crime occurring to another ICU agent or individual with potential physical harm…call 911 and try to record the event. Get the victim to a “safe” area – Report
- Being an ICU agent does not mean you have blind trust
-ALWAYS exercise sound judgement and reasoning - Remember – YOU make The University